Light Duty Electric Vibratory Tables

We offer Light-Duty Electric Vibratory Tables, designed for efficient material settling, compaction, and vibration testing. These tables are perfect for applications that require gentle yet effective vibration to handle lightweight materials with precision. With their reliable electric-powered design, they enhance efficiency across industries such as packaging, manufacturing, and product testing.

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Responsive Table Layout
Model Replace Model H.P. Max Force (lbs) Drawg. Ref. Dimensions Full Load Amps At 230V / 460V W.T. (lbs)
SEE-0.1-2 BES-30-2 1/50 30 2 3-11/32" 3-7/16" 5-5/16" 1-47/64" 3-35/64" 2-3/8" 4-7/32" NA 1-37/64" 23/32" 3/32" 1-25/32" 11/32" 0.39 6
SEE-0.5-2 BES-110-2 1/25 110 7 4-19/64" 6-5/8" 8" 1-9/16" 4-11/16" 2-3/4" 5-21/32" NA 1-37/64" 1-9/32" 29/64" 2-29/64" 7/16" 0.53 14
SEE-1-2 BES-220-2 1/12 220 1 4-5/32" 6-5/16" 8-15/32" 3-5/32" 5-1/8" 4-11/32" 6-5/16" 1-19/32" 1-37/64" 1-15/32" 13/32" 2-5/8" 15/32" 1.2 22
SEE-2-2 BES-440-2 1/6 440 2 4-11/32" 6-29/32" 9-15/32" 3-35/64" 5-29/32" 4-23/32" 7-3/32" 1-25/32" 1-37/64" 1-19/32" 15/32" 2-13/16" 9/16" 1.9 30
SEE-3.5-2 BES-770-2 1/3 770 3.5 4-15/16" 7-11/16" 11-13/16" 4-21/64" 7-31/64" 5-29/32" 9-1/16" 2-3/16" 2-3/8" 2-31/32" 19/32" 3-5/16" 23/32" 2.9 45
Responsive Table Layout
Model Replace Model H.P. Max Force (lbs) Drawg. Ref. Dimensions Full Load Amps At 230V / 460V W.T. (lbs)
KEE-0.5-2 BE-110-2 1/20 110 1 4-19/64" 5-55/64" 8" 1-9/16" 4-11/16" 2-3/4" 5-21/32" NA 1-37/64" 1-9/32" 29/64" 2-29/64" 7/16" 0.33 (0.15) 10
KEE-1-2 BE-220-2 1/10 220 1 4-19/64" 5-55/64" 8" 1-9/16" 4-11/16" 2-3/4" 5-21/32" NA 1-9/32" 1-9/32" 29/64" 2-29/64" 7/16" 0.41 (0.25) 15
KEE-2-2 BE-440-2 1/5 440 1 4-19/64" 5-55/64" 9" 1-9/16" 4-11/16" 2-3/4" 5-21/32" 1-9/32" 1-31/32" 1-15/32" 25/64" 2-29/64" 7/16" 0.62 (0.35) 20
KEE-3.5-2 BE-770-2 1/3 770 2 4-11/32" 6-29/32" 10-7/16" 3-35/64" 5-29/32" 4-23/32" 7-3/32" 1-25/32" 2-11/64" 1-19/32" 15/32" 2-15/16" 9/16" 1.1 (0.60) 35
KEE-6-2 BE-1320-2 1/2 1,250 2 4-11/32" 6-29/32" 10-7/16" 3-35/64" 5-29/32" 4-23/32" 7-3/32" 1-25/32" 2-11/64" 1-19/32" 15/32" 2-15/16" 9/16" 1.6 (0.90) 55
KEE-10-2 BE-2200-2 1 2,250 3 6-11/16" 8-9/32" 13-25/32" 4-23/32" 8-21/32" 6-11/16" 10-5/8" 2-9/16" 1-31/32" 1-3/8" 23/32" 3-5/8" 13/16" 2.7 (1.4) 78
KEE-16-2 BE-3520-2 1-1/2 3520 3 6-11/16" 10-1/4" 16-17/32" 5-33/64" 9-29/64" 7-7/8" 11-13/16" 2-31/32" 2-9/16" 2-3/4" 13/16" 5-1/16" 1-1/32" 4.0 (2.0) 110
KEE-23-2 BE-5060-2 2-1/4 5060 3 7-1/2" 11-1/32" 17-23/32" 5-29/32" 10-15/64" 8-9/32" 12-19/32" 3-5/32" 2-3/8" 2-3/4" 13/16" 5-19/32" 1-1/32" 5.6 (2.9) 140
KEE-30-2 BE-6600-2 3 6600 3 8-7/8" 12-19/32" 19-11/16" 6-11/16" 12-13/64" 9-7/16" 14-31/32" 3-3/4" 2-9/16" 3-11/32" 1-1/8" 6-7/32" 1-5/16" 7.0 (3.6) 210
KEE-40-2 BE-8800-2 4 8800 3 8-7/8" 14-19/32" 22-1/16" 8-21/32" 13-25/32" 11-13/16" 16-15/16" 4-11/32" 2-9/16" 3-15/16" 1-5/16" 7-9/32" 1-17/32" 9.8 (4.9) 290
Responsive Table Layout
Model Replace Model H.P. Max Force (lbs) Drawg. Ref. Dimensions Full Load Amps At 230V / 460V W.T. (lbs)
KEE-1.5-4 BE-330-4 1/10 330 1 4-19/64" 5-55/64" 10" 1-9/16" 4-11/16" 2-3/4" 5-21/32" 1-9/32" 2-9/16" 1-3/16" 25/64" 2-29/64" 7/16" 0.5 (0.33) 25
KEE-3-4 BE-660-4 1/6 660 4 6-1/8" 7-3/32" 10-5/8" 3-5/32" 5-29/32" 4-11/32" 7-3/32" 1-19/32" 2-11/64" 1-3/8" 13/32" 3-5/16" 15/32" 0.8 (0.52) 35
KEE-6-4 BE-1320-4 1/3 1320 4 6-11/16" 7-11/16" 12-19/32" 3-15/16" 6-19/64" 5-1/8" 7-1/2" 1-25/32" 2-61/64" 1-19/32" 15/32" 3-5/8" 9/16" 1.2 (0.70) 50
KEE-9-4 BE-1980-4 1/2 1980 4 7-1/2" 8-9/32" 13-3/8" 4-21/64" 7-3/32" 5-29/32" 8-21/32" 2-3/16" 2-61/64" 1-31/32" 19/32" 4-1/32" 23/32" 1.7 (0.99) 70
KEE-9-4S BE-1980-4S 1/2 1980 4 8-55/64" 9-29/64" 13-63/64" 5-33/64" 8-21/32" 7-31/64" 10-10/16" 2-9/16" 2-9/16" 2-3/8" 20/32" 4-23/32" 7/8" 1.7 (0.99) 94
KEE-12-4 BE-2640-4 4/5 2640 4 8-7/8" 9-15/32" 14-3/16" 5-33/64" 8-21/32" 7-1/2" 10-5/8" 2-9/16" 2-9/16" 2-3/8" 23/32" 4-23/32" 7/8" 2.5 (1.4) 95
KEE-17-4 BE-3740-4 1-1/10 3740 4 9-21/32" 10-1/4" 16-17/32" 5-33/64" 9-29/64" 7-7/8" 11-13/16" 2-31/32" 3-5/32" 2-3/4" 7/8" 5-1/8" 1-1/32" 3.0 (1.6) 125
KEE-24-4 BE-5280-4 1-1/2 5280 4 10-7/16" 11-1/32" 18-29/32" 5-29/32" 10-15/64" 8-9/32" 12-19/32" 3-5/32" 3-47/64" 2-3/4" 7/8" 5-19/32" 1-1/32" 3.8 (2.0) 165
KEE-34-4 BE-7480-4 2 7480 4 11-5/8" 12-19/32" 20-7/8" 6-11/16" 12-13/64" 9-15/32" 14-31/32" 3-3/4" 3-47/64" 3-11/32" 1-1/8" 6-7/32" 1-5/16" 5.0 (2.6) 245
KEE-52-4 BE-11440-4 3 11440 4 13-19/32" 14-3/8" 23-7/32" 8-21/32" 13-25/32" 11-13/16" 16-15/16" 4-11/32" 3-11/32" 3-15/16" 1-5/16" 7-9/32" 1-17/32" 7.7 (4.0) 375
KEE-75-4 BE-16500-4 5 16500 5 15-9/16" 16-11/32" 24-13/16" 4-59/64" 14-31/32" 13-1/32" 18-1/8" NA 3-15/16" 4-5/32" 1-5/64" 8-9/32" 1-17/32" 12.3 (6.2) 495
KEE-84-4 BE-18480-4 7-1/2 18480 5 15-9/16" 16-11/32" 26-3/8" 4-59/64" 14-31/32" 13-1/32" 18-1/8" NA 3-15/16" 4-5/32" 1-5/16" 8-9/32" 1-17/32" 18.2 (9.4) 565
KEE-110-4 BE-24200-4 10 24200 5 18-5/16" 18-23/32" 28-3/4" 5-33/64" 17-21/64" 14-9/16" 20-7/8" NA 4-23/32" 4-15/16" 1-1/2" 9-15/32" 1-25/32" 25 (13) 805
Responsive Table Layout
Model Replace Model H.P. Max Force (lbs) Drawg. Ref. Dimensions Full Load Amps At 230V / 460V W.T. (lbs)
KEE-3-6 BE-660-6 1/4 660 4 6-11/16" 7-11/16" 11-7/16" 3-15/16" 6-19/64" 5-1/8" 7-1/2" 1-25/32" 3-11/32" 1-9/32" 15/32" 3-5/8" 9/16" 1.1 (0.65) 49
KEE-5-6 BE-1100-6 1/2 1100 4 7-1/2" 8-9/32" 13" 4-21/64" 7-3/32" 5-29/32" 8-21/32" 2-3/16" 3-35/64" 1-31/32" 19/32" 4-1/32" 23/32" 1.9 (1.3) 71
KEE-9-6 BE-1980-6 4/5 1980 4 8-7/8" 9-15/32" 14-9/16" 5-33/64" 8-21/32" 7-1/2" 10-5/8" 2-9/16" 3-47/64" 2-3/8" 23/32" 4-23/32" 13/16" 2.7 (1.6) 104
KEE-13-6 BE-2860-6 1-1/10 2860 4 9-21/32" 10-1/4" 15-3/8" 5-33/64" 9-29/64" 7-7/8" 11-13/16" 2-31/32" 4-9/64" 2-3/4" 13/16" 5-1/8" 1-1/32" 3.7 (2.1) 139
KEE-18-6 BE-3960-6 1-1/2 3960 4 10-7/16" 11-1/32" 17-23/32" 5-29/32" 10-15/64" 8-9/32" 12-19/32" 3-5/32" 4-23/32" 2-3/4" 13/16" 5-19/32" 1-1/32" 4.8 (2.7) 185
KEE-24-6 BE-5280-6 2 5280 4 11-5/8" 12-19/32" 19-11/16" 6-11/16" 12-13/64" 9-15/32" 14-31/32" 3-3/4" 4-23/32" 3-11/32" 1-1/8" 6-7/32" 1-5/16" 6.1 (3.3) 265
KEE-34-6 BE-7480-6 3 7480 4 13-19/32" 14-3/8" 22-7/16" 8-21/32" 13-25/32" 11-13/16" 16-15/16" 4-11/32" 4-9/64" 3-15/16" 1-5/16" 7-9/32" 1-17/32" 7.9 (4.2) 364
KEE-45-6 BE-9900-6 4 9900 4 13-19/32" 14-3/8" 24-13/16" 8-21/32" 13-25/32" 11-13/16" 16-15/16" 4-11/32" 5-5/16" 3-15/16" 1-5/16" 7-9/32" 1-17/32" 10.8 (5.7) 448
KEE-60-6 BE-13200-6 5-1/3 13200 5 15-9/16" 16-11/32" 24-13/16" 4-59/64" 14-31/32" 13" 18-1/8" NA 5-5/16" 4-5/32" 1-5/16" 8-9/32" 1-17/32" 13.4 (7.4) 567
KEE-80-6 BE-17600-6 7-1/2 17600 5 15-9/16" 16-11/32" 28-47/64" 4-59/64" 14-31/32" 13" 18-1/8" NA 6-1/2" 4-5/32" 1-5/16" 8-9/32" 1-17/32" 18.5 (10) 662
KEE-110-6 BE-24200-6 10 24200 5 18-5/16" 18-23/32" 29-15/16" 5-33/64" 17-21/64" 14-9/16" 20-7/8" NA 6-1/2" 4-15/16" 1-1/2" 9-15/32" 1-25/32" 27 (15) 924
KEE-140-6 BE-30800-6 12 30800 6 20-9/32" 20-11/16" 34-21/32" 5-33/64" 18-29/32" 20-3/32" 22-7/16" NA 6-7/64" 4-15/16" 1-1/2" 10-7/16" 1-25/32" 31 (17) 1268
KEE-165-6 BE-36300-6 15 36300 6 20-9/32" 20-11/16" 36-39/64" 5-33/64" 18-29/32" 20-3/32" 22-7/16" NA 7-5/64" 4-15/16" 1-1/2" 10-7/16" 1-25/32" 37 (20) 1389
KEE-185-6 BE-40700-6 17-1/2 40700 6 22-1/16" 22-7/16" 36-7/32" 5-33/64" 20-15/32" 20-3/32" 24-1/32" NA 6-11/16" 4-15/16" 1-1/2" 11-7/16" 1-25/32" 44 (22) 1599
Responsive Table Layout
Model Replace Model H.P. Max Force (lbs) Drawg. Ref. Dimensions Full Load Amps W.T. (lbs)
KEE-5-8 BE-1100-8 1/2 1100 4 8-7/8" 9-15/32" 14-9/16" 5-33/64" 8-21/32" 7-1/2" 10-5/8" 2-9/16" 2-61/64" 2-3/8" 23/32" 4-23/32" 13/16" 2.4 (1.5) 100
KEE-7.3-8 BE-1606-8 4/5 1606 4 9-21/32" 10-1/4" 15-3/8" 5-33/64" 9-29/64" 7-7/8" 11-13/16" 2-31/32" 3-15/16" 2-3/4" 13/16" 5-1/8" 1-1/32" 3.3 (2.0) 130
KEE-10-8 BE-2200-8 1 2200 4 10-7/16" 11-1/32" 17-23/32" 5-29/32" 10-15/64" 8-9/32" 12-19/32" 3-5/32" 4-23/32" 2-3/4" 13/16" 5-19/32" 1-1/32" 4.9 (3.3) 175
KEE-20-8 BE-4400-8 2 4400 4 11-5/8" 12-19/32" 21-21/32" 6-11/16" 12-13/64" 9-15/32" 14-31/32" 3-3/4" 4-23/32" 3-11/32" 1-1/8" 6-7/32" 1-5/16" 7.5 (4.4) 300
KEE-35-8 BE-7710-8 3 7710 4 13-19/32" 14-3/8" 26-3/8" 8-21/32" 13-25/32" 11-13/16" 16-15/16" NA 4-9/64" 3-15/16" 1-5/16" 7-9/32" 1-17/32" 9.5 (5.5) 465
KEE-42-8 BE-9240-8 4 9240 4 13-19/32" 14-3/8" 28-3/4" 8-21/32" 13-25/32" 11-13/16" 16-15/16" NA 5-5/16" 3-15/16" 1-5/16" 7-9/32" 1-17/32" 9.5 (5.5) 486
KEE-60-8 BE-13200-8 5 13200 5 15-9/16" 16-11/32" 28-3/4" 4-59/64" 14-31/32" 13-7/8" 18-1/8" NA 5-5/16" 4-5/32" 1-5/16" 8-9/32" 1-17/32" 14.6 (8.6) 660
KEE-77-8 BE-16940-8 6 16940 5 15-9/16" 16-11/32" 32-3/4" 4-59/64" 14-31/32" 13-7/8" 18-1/8" NA 6-1/2" 4-5/32" 1-5/16" 8-9/32" 1-17/32" 15 (7.5) 803
KEE-100-8 BE-22000-8 8 22000 5 18-5/16" 18-23/32" 33-7/8" 5-33/64" 17-21/64" 14-9/16" 20-7/8" NA 8-17/64" 4-15/16" 1-1/2" 9-15/32" 1-25/32" 25 (15) 1070
KEE-125-8 BE-27500-8 10 27500 6 20-9/32" 20-11/16" 39-3/8" 5-33/64" 18-29/32" 20-3/32" 22-7/16" NA 8-59/64" 4-15/16" 1-1/2" 10-7/16" 1-25/32" 31 (18) 1420
KEE-150-8 BE-33000-8 12 33000 6 20-9/32" 20-11/16" 40-15/16" 5-33/64" 18-29/32" 20-3/32" 22-7/16" NA 8-17/64" 4-15/16" 1-1/2" 10-7/16" 1-25/32" 37 (22) 1560
KEE-185-8 BE-40700-8 15 40700 6 22-1/6" 22-7/16" 39-3/4" 5-33/64" 20-15/32" 20-3/32" 24-1/32" NA 8-21/32" 4-15/16" 1-1/2" 11-7/16" 1-25/32" 43 (26) 1800
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Light Duty Electric Vibratory Tables

Our electric vibrating tables are equipped with a variable amplitude controller built-in to the table.  We offer three deck sizes and all of them are shipped wired and ready for operation.  All you need to do is plug it in and turn it on.  Our models are listed below.

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Use our contact form to get a quote or call BPS at 330-220-1440

What Are Light-Duty Electric Vibratory Tables?

Light-Duty Electric Vibratory Tables are specialized equipment designed for applications involving smaller loads or lightweight materials. Powered by electric motors, these tables generate controlled vibrations to compact, settle, or test materials efficiently. As a key component of bulk processing equipment, their adjustable settings and compact design make them an essential tool for operations that demand accuracy and consistency.

Applications of Light-Duty Electric Vibratory Tables

These vibratory tables are commonly used in industries like food processing, electronics manufacturing, and packaging. Typical applications include compacting powders or granules, settling products in containers to maximize space, and performing vibration tests on small parts or assemblies. Their versatility ensures reliable performance across a wide range of material handling tasks, making them a valuable addition to bulk processing equipment setups.

Advantages of Light-Duty Electric Vibratory Tables

The benefits of these tables include enhanced precision, consistent material compaction, and reduced manual handling. They are energy-efficient and easy to integrate into existing workflows, making them a cost-effective solution for businesses of all sizes. Their durable construction ensures long-term performance, even in demanding environments, while their adjustable vibration settings allow for customized operation as part of your bulk processing equipment solutions.

Custom Light-Duty Electric Vibratory Table Solutions

We understand that no two operations are the same. That’s why we offer customizable options for our Light-Duty Electric Vibratory Tables, including table size, vibration intensity, and load capacity. Our team of experts works closely with you to design a solution that meets your specific needs, ensuring optimal results and seamless integration with your processes. With our focus on bulk processing equipment, we ensure that your light-duty vibratory tables deliver efficiency and reliability.

Frequently Asked Questions

What materials are best suited for Light-Duty Electric Vibratory Tables?
These tables are ideal for lightweight materials, including powders, granules, and small parts requiring gentle yet effective compaction or settling.
What industries use Light-Duty Electric Vibratory Tables?
Industries such as food processing, packaging, and electronics manufacturing use these tables for material handling, settling, and vibration testing applications.
Are custom configurations available for Light-Duty Electric Vibratory Tables?
Absolutely. BPS provides customizable options, including vibration frequency, table dimensions, and load capacity, to meet unique operational requirements.
Can these tables handle different material types?
Yes, Light-Duty Electric Vibratory Tables can be adjusted to handle various materials, offering precise control over vibration settings to suit specific applications.
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