Grid Deck Vibratory Tables

We offer robust and versatile Grid Deck Vibrating Tables designed to provide effective material compaction and settling. These tables feature a grid-style deck that allows for better air circulation and optimized material handling, making them ideal for applications requiring efficient vibration and precision. Built to handle demanding industrial environments, Grid Deck Vibrating Tables are a reliable solution for improving product consistency and operational efficiency.

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Responsive Table Layout
Model Replace Model H.P. Max Force (lbs) Drawg. Ref. Dimensions Full Load Amps At 230V / 460V W.T. (lbs)
SEE-0.1-2 BES-30-2 1/50 30 2 3-11/32" 3-7/16" 5-5/16" 1-47/64" 3-35/64" 2-3/8" 4-7/32" NA 1-37/64" 23/32" 3/32" 1-25/32" 11/32" 0.39 6
SEE-0.5-2 BES-110-2 1/25 110 7 4-19/64" 6-5/8" 8" 1-9/16" 4-11/16" 2-3/4" 5-21/32" NA 1-37/64" 1-9/32" 29/64" 2-29/64" 7/16" 0.53 14
SEE-1-2 BES-220-2 1/12 220 1 4-5/32" 6-5/16" 8-15/32" 3-5/32" 5-1/8" 4-11/32" 6-5/16" 1-19/32" 1-37/64" 1-15/32" 13/32" 2-5/8" 15/32" 1.2 22
SEE-2-2 BES-440-2 1/6 440 2 4-11/32" 6-29/32" 9-15/32" 3-35/64" 5-29/32" 4-23/32" 7-3/32" 1-25/32" 1-37/64" 1-19/32" 15/32" 2-13/16" 9/16" 1.9 30
SEE-3.5-2 BES-770-2 1/3 770 3.5 4-15/16" 7-11/16" 11-13/16" 4-21/64" 7-31/64" 5-29/32" 9-1/16" 2-3/16" 2-3/8" 2-31/32" 19/32" 3-5/16" 23/32" 2.9 45
Responsive Table Layout
Model Replace Model H.P. Max Force (lbs) Drawg. Ref. Dimensions Full Load Amps At 230V / 460V W.T. (lbs)
KEE-0.5-2 BE-110-2 1/20 110 1 4-19/64" 5-55/64" 8" 1-9/16" 4-11/16" 2-3/4" 5-21/32" NA 1-37/64" 1-9/32" 29/64" 2-29/64" 7/16" 0.33 (0.15) 10
KEE-1-2 BE-220-2 1/10 220 1 4-19/64" 5-55/64" 8" 1-9/16" 4-11/16" 2-3/4" 5-21/32" NA 1-9/32" 1-9/32" 29/64" 2-29/64" 7/16" 0.41 (0.25) 15
KEE-2-2 BE-440-2 1/5 440 1 4-19/64" 5-55/64" 9" 1-9/16" 4-11/16" 2-3/4" 5-21/32" 1-9/32" 1-31/32" 1-15/32" 25/64" 2-29/64" 7/16" 0.62 (0.35) 20
KEE-3.5-2 BE-770-2 1/3 770 2 4-11/32" 6-29/32" 10-7/16" 3-35/64" 5-29/32" 4-23/32" 7-3/32" 1-25/32" 2-11/64" 1-19/32" 15/32" 2-15/16" 9/16" 1.1 (0.60) 35
KEE-6-2 BE-1320-2 1/2 1,250 2 4-11/32" 6-29/32" 10-7/16" 3-35/64" 5-29/32" 4-23/32" 7-3/32" 1-25/32" 2-11/64" 1-19/32" 15/32" 2-15/16" 9/16" 1.6 (0.90) 55
KEE-10-2 BE-2200-2 1 2,250 3 6-11/16" 8-9/32" 13-25/32" 4-23/32" 8-21/32" 6-11/16" 10-5/8" 2-9/16" 1-31/32" 1-3/8" 23/32" 3-5/8" 13/16" 2.7 (1.4) 78
KEE-16-2 BE-3520-2 1-1/2 3520 3 6-11/16" 10-1/4" 16-17/32" 5-33/64" 9-29/64" 7-7/8" 11-13/16" 2-31/32" 2-9/16" 2-3/4" 13/16" 5-1/16" 1-1/32" 4.0 (2.0) 110
KEE-23-2 BE-5060-2 2-1/4 5060 3 7-1/2" 11-1/32" 17-23/32" 5-29/32" 10-15/64" 8-9/32" 12-19/32" 3-5/32" 2-3/8" 2-3/4" 13/16" 5-19/32" 1-1/32" 5.6 (2.9) 140
KEE-30-2 BE-6600-2 3 6600 3 8-7/8" 12-19/32" 19-11/16" 6-11/16" 12-13/64" 9-7/16" 14-31/32" 3-3/4" 2-9/16" 3-11/32" 1-1/8" 6-7/32" 1-5/16" 7.0 (3.6) 210
KEE-40-2 BE-8800-2 4 8800 3 8-7/8" 14-19/32" 22-1/16" 8-21/32" 13-25/32" 11-13/16" 16-15/16" 4-11/32" 2-9/16" 3-15/16" 1-5/16" 7-9/32" 1-17/32" 9.8 (4.9) 290
Responsive Table Layout
Model Replace Model H.P. Max Force (lbs) Drawg. Ref. Dimensions Full Load Amps At 230V / 460V W.T. (lbs)
KEE-1.5-4 BE-330-4 1/10 330 1 4-19/64" 5-55/64" 10" 1-9/16" 4-11/16" 2-3/4" 5-21/32" 1-9/32" 2-9/16" 1-3/16" 25/64" 2-29/64" 7/16" 0.5 (0.33) 25
KEE-3-4 BE-660-4 1/6 660 4 6-1/8" 7-3/32" 10-5/8" 3-5/32" 5-29/32" 4-11/32" 7-3/32" 1-19/32" 2-11/64" 1-3/8" 13/32" 3-5/16" 15/32" 0.8 (0.52) 35
KEE-6-4 BE-1320-4 1/3 1320 4 6-11/16" 7-11/16" 12-19/32" 3-15/16" 6-19/64" 5-1/8" 7-1/2" 1-25/32" 2-61/64" 1-19/32" 15/32" 3-5/8" 9/16" 1.2 (0.70) 50
KEE-9-4 BE-1980-4 1/2 1980 4 7-1/2" 8-9/32" 13-3/8" 4-21/64" 7-3/32" 5-29/32" 8-21/32" 2-3/16" 2-61/64" 1-31/32" 19/32" 4-1/32" 23/32" 1.7 (0.99) 70
KEE-9-4S BE-1980-4S 1/2 1980 4 8-55/64" 9-29/64" 13-63/64" 5-33/64" 8-21/32" 7-31/64" 10-10/16" 2-9/16" 2-9/16" 2-3/8" 20/32" 4-23/32" 7/8" 1.7 (0.99) 94
KEE-12-4 BE-2640-4 4/5 2640 4 8-7/8" 9-15/32" 14-3/16" 5-33/64" 8-21/32" 7-1/2" 10-5/8" 2-9/16" 2-9/16" 2-3/8" 23/32" 4-23/32" 7/8" 2.5 (1.4) 95
KEE-17-4 BE-3740-4 1-1/10 3740 4 9-21/32" 10-1/4" 16-17/32" 5-33/64" 9-29/64" 7-7/8" 11-13/16" 2-31/32" 3-5/32" 2-3/4" 7/8" 5-1/8" 1-1/32" 3.0 (1.6) 125
KEE-24-4 BE-5280-4 1-1/2 5280 4 10-7/16" 11-1/32" 18-29/32" 5-29/32" 10-15/64" 8-9/32" 12-19/32" 3-5/32" 3-47/64" 2-3/4" 7/8" 5-19/32" 1-1/32" 3.8 (2.0) 165
KEE-34-4 BE-7480-4 2 7480 4 11-5/8" 12-19/32" 20-7/8" 6-11/16" 12-13/64" 9-15/32" 14-31/32" 3-3/4" 3-47/64" 3-11/32" 1-1/8" 6-7/32" 1-5/16" 5.0 (2.6) 245
KEE-52-4 BE-11440-4 3 11440 4 13-19/32" 14-3/8" 23-7/32" 8-21/32" 13-25/32" 11-13/16" 16-15/16" 4-11/32" 3-11/32" 3-15/16" 1-5/16" 7-9/32" 1-17/32" 7.7 (4.0) 375
KEE-75-4 BE-16500-4 5 16500 5 15-9/16" 16-11/32" 24-13/16" 4-59/64" 14-31/32" 13-1/32" 18-1/8" NA 3-15/16" 4-5/32" 1-5/64" 8-9/32" 1-17/32" 12.3 (6.2) 495
KEE-84-4 BE-18480-4 7-1/2 18480 5 15-9/16" 16-11/32" 26-3/8" 4-59/64" 14-31/32" 13-1/32" 18-1/8" NA 3-15/16" 4-5/32" 1-5/16" 8-9/32" 1-17/32" 18.2 (9.4) 565
KEE-110-4 BE-24200-4 10 24200 5 18-5/16" 18-23/32" 28-3/4" 5-33/64" 17-21/64" 14-9/16" 20-7/8" NA 4-23/32" 4-15/16" 1-1/2" 9-15/32" 1-25/32" 25 (13) 805
Responsive Table Layout
Model Replace Model H.P. Max Force (lbs) Drawg. Ref. Dimensions Full Load Amps At 230V / 460V W.T. (lbs)
KEE-3-6 BE-660-6 1/4 660 4 6-11/16" 7-11/16" 11-7/16" 3-15/16" 6-19/64" 5-1/8" 7-1/2" 1-25/32" 3-11/32" 1-9/32" 15/32" 3-5/8" 9/16" 1.1 (0.65) 49
KEE-5-6 BE-1100-6 1/2 1100 4 7-1/2" 8-9/32" 13" 4-21/64" 7-3/32" 5-29/32" 8-21/32" 2-3/16" 3-35/64" 1-31/32" 19/32" 4-1/32" 23/32" 1.9 (1.3) 71
KEE-9-6 BE-1980-6 4/5 1980 4 8-7/8" 9-15/32" 14-9/16" 5-33/64" 8-21/32" 7-1/2" 10-5/8" 2-9/16" 3-47/64" 2-3/8" 23/32" 4-23/32" 13/16" 2.7 (1.6) 104
KEE-13-6 BE-2860-6 1-1/10 2860 4 9-21/32" 10-1/4" 15-3/8" 5-33/64" 9-29/64" 7-7/8" 11-13/16" 2-31/32" 4-9/64" 2-3/4" 13/16" 5-1/8" 1-1/32" 3.7 (2.1) 139
KEE-18-6 BE-3960-6 1-1/2 3960 4 10-7/16" 11-1/32" 17-23/32" 5-29/32" 10-15/64" 8-9/32" 12-19/32" 3-5/32" 4-23/32" 2-3/4" 13/16" 5-19/32" 1-1/32" 4.8 (2.7) 185
KEE-24-6 BE-5280-6 2 5280 4 11-5/8" 12-19/32" 19-11/16" 6-11/16" 12-13/64" 9-15/32" 14-31/32" 3-3/4" 4-23/32" 3-11/32" 1-1/8" 6-7/32" 1-5/16" 6.1 (3.3) 265
KEE-34-6 BE-7480-6 3 7480 4 13-19/32" 14-3/8" 22-7/16" 8-21/32" 13-25/32" 11-13/16" 16-15/16" 4-11/32" 4-9/64" 3-15/16" 1-5/16" 7-9/32" 1-17/32" 7.9 (4.2) 364
KEE-45-6 BE-9900-6 4 9900 4 13-19/32" 14-3/8" 24-13/16" 8-21/32" 13-25/32" 11-13/16" 16-15/16" 4-11/32" 5-5/16" 3-15/16" 1-5/16" 7-9/32" 1-17/32" 10.8 (5.7) 448
KEE-60-6 BE-13200-6 5-1/3 13200 5 15-9/16" 16-11/32" 24-13/16" 4-59/64" 14-31/32" 13" 18-1/8" NA 5-5/16" 4-5/32" 1-5/16" 8-9/32" 1-17/32" 13.4 (7.4) 567
KEE-80-6 BE-17600-6 7-1/2 17600 5 15-9/16" 16-11/32" 28-47/64" 4-59/64" 14-31/32" 13" 18-1/8" NA 6-1/2" 4-5/32" 1-5/16" 8-9/32" 1-17/32" 18.5 (10) 662
KEE-110-6 BE-24200-6 10 24200 5 18-5/16" 18-23/32" 29-15/16" 5-33/64" 17-21/64" 14-9/16" 20-7/8" NA 6-1/2" 4-15/16" 1-1/2" 9-15/32" 1-25/32" 27 (15) 924
KEE-140-6 BE-30800-6 12 30800 6 20-9/32" 20-11/16" 34-21/32" 5-33/64" 18-29/32" 20-3/32" 22-7/16" NA 6-7/64" 4-15/16" 1-1/2" 10-7/16" 1-25/32" 31 (17) 1268
KEE-165-6 BE-36300-6 15 36300 6 20-9/32" 20-11/16" 36-39/64" 5-33/64" 18-29/32" 20-3/32" 22-7/16" NA 7-5/64" 4-15/16" 1-1/2" 10-7/16" 1-25/32" 37 (20) 1389
KEE-185-6 BE-40700-6 17-1/2 40700 6 22-1/16" 22-7/16" 36-7/32" 5-33/64" 20-15/32" 20-3/32" 24-1/32" NA 6-11/16" 4-15/16" 1-1/2" 11-7/16" 1-25/32" 44 (22) 1599
Responsive Table Layout
Model Replace Model H.P. Max Force (lbs) Drawg. Ref. Dimensions Full Load Amps W.T. (lbs)
KEE-5-8 BE-1100-8 1/2 1100 4 8-7/8" 9-15/32" 14-9/16" 5-33/64" 8-21/32" 7-1/2" 10-5/8" 2-9/16" 2-61/64" 2-3/8" 23/32" 4-23/32" 13/16" 2.4 (1.5) 100
KEE-7.3-8 BE-1606-8 4/5 1606 4 9-21/32" 10-1/4" 15-3/8" 5-33/64" 9-29/64" 7-7/8" 11-13/16" 2-31/32" 3-15/16" 2-3/4" 13/16" 5-1/8" 1-1/32" 3.3 (2.0) 130
KEE-10-8 BE-2200-8 1 2200 4 10-7/16" 11-1/32" 17-23/32" 5-29/32" 10-15/64" 8-9/32" 12-19/32" 3-5/32" 4-23/32" 2-3/4" 13/16" 5-19/32" 1-1/32" 4.9 (3.3) 175
KEE-20-8 BE-4400-8 2 4400 4 11-5/8" 12-19/32" 21-21/32" 6-11/16" 12-13/64" 9-15/32" 14-31/32" 3-3/4" 4-23/32" 3-11/32" 1-1/8" 6-7/32" 1-5/16" 7.5 (4.4) 300
KEE-35-8 BE-7710-8 3 7710 4 13-19/32" 14-3/8" 26-3/8" 8-21/32" 13-25/32" 11-13/16" 16-15/16" NA 4-9/64" 3-15/16" 1-5/16" 7-9/32" 1-17/32" 9.5 (5.5) 465
KEE-42-8 BE-9240-8 4 9240 4 13-19/32" 14-3/8" 28-3/4" 8-21/32" 13-25/32" 11-13/16" 16-15/16" NA 5-5/16" 3-15/16" 1-5/16" 7-9/32" 1-17/32" 9.5 (5.5) 486
KEE-60-8 BE-13200-8 5 13200 5 15-9/16" 16-11/32" 28-3/4" 4-59/64" 14-31/32" 13-7/8" 18-1/8" NA 5-5/16" 4-5/32" 1-5/16" 8-9/32" 1-17/32" 14.6 (8.6) 660
KEE-77-8 BE-16940-8 6 16940 5 15-9/16" 16-11/32" 32-3/4" 4-59/64" 14-31/32" 13-7/8" 18-1/8" NA 6-1/2" 4-5/32" 1-5/16" 8-9/32" 1-17/32" 15 (7.5) 803
KEE-100-8 BE-22000-8 8 22000 5 18-5/16" 18-23/32" 33-7/8" 5-33/64" 17-21/64" 14-9/16" 20-7/8" NA 8-17/64" 4-15/16" 1-1/2" 9-15/32" 1-25/32" 25 (15) 1070
KEE-125-8 BE-27500-8 10 27500 6 20-9/32" 20-11/16" 39-3/8" 5-33/64" 18-29/32" 20-3/32" 22-7/16" NA 8-59/64" 4-15/16" 1-1/2" 10-7/16" 1-25/32" 31 (18) 1420
KEE-150-8 BE-33000-8 12 33000 6 20-9/32" 20-11/16" 40-15/16" 5-33/64" 18-29/32" 20-3/32" 22-7/16" NA 8-17/64" 4-15/16" 1-1/2" 10-7/16" 1-25/32" 37 (22) 1560
KEE-185-8 BE-40700-8 15 40700 6 22-1/6" 22-7/16" 39-3/4" 5-33/64" 20-15/32" 20-3/32" 24-1/32" NA 8-21/32" 4-15/16" 1-1/2" 11-7/16" 1-25/32" 43 (26) 1800
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Grid Deck Vibratory Tables

The BPS Model VG (Vibratory Grid Deck) is able to lift and vibrate material between the rollers of a roller conveyor.  As the material is conveyed down the conveyor, this can be a densification station and can be automatically or manually operated. Our electric GF tables can be operated at 230v/480v. Other voltages are available upon request (example: 380v, 415v, 575v).  When power requirements are limited, we also offer a variety of Air Piston Flat Decks as well.

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What Are Grid Deck Vibrating Tables?

Grid Deck Vibrating Tables are specialized equipment featuring a grid-style surface that enhances airflow and supports better compaction for materials that need precise settling. These tables are perfect for handling bulk containers, molds, or irregularly shaped items. As a key component of bulk processing equipment, their unique design ensures even vibration distribution, making them an excellent choice for industries like construction, packaging, and manufacturing.

Applications of Grid Deck Vibrating Tables

Grid Deck Vibrating Tables are widely used in industries such as packaging, concrete molding, and bulk material handling. Common applications include settling bulk materials in bins or cartons, removing air pockets from poured concrete, and compacting powders or granules for uniformity. These tables, as part of bulk processing equipment, improve product stability, reduce waste, and streamline material handling processes.

Advantages of Grid Deck Vibrating Tables

The grid-style design of these vibrating tables provides several advantages, including better airflow, precise vibration control, and superior compaction. They are particularly effective in applications where materials require additional aeration or where irregular shapes need consistent settling. With adjustable vibration intensity, these tables deliver optimal performance for a wide range of materials and applications, making them an essential tool in bulk processing equipment setups.

Custom Grid Deck Vibrating Table Solutions

At BPS, we offer fully customizable Grid Deck Vibrating Tables to meet your unique requirements. From grid spacing to load capacity and vibration frequency, our solutions are tailored to fit your workflow and material handling needs. Whether you need a table for compacting heavy materials or ensuring uniformity in delicate products, our team will design a solution that integrates seamlessly with your bulk processing equipment, maximizing efficiency and productivity.

Frequently Asked Questions

What materials are best suited for Grid Deck Vibrating Tables?
Grid Deck Vibrating Tables are ideal for materials that benefit from enhanced aeration and consistent compaction, such as bulk powders, concrete, and irregularly shaped items.
How do Grid Deck Vibrating Tables improve material handling?
The grid-style deck design allows for better air circulation and even vibration distribution, ensuring that materials settle uniformly and efficiently.
What maintenance do Grid Deck Vibrating Tables require?
Regular maintenance includes cleaning the grid deck, inspecting the motor and vibration mechanisms, and checking for secure connections to ensure reliable performance.
Are Grid Deck Vibrating Tables customizable for specific operations?
Yes, BPS offers a range of customization options, including grid spacing, vibration intensity, and load capacities, to meet specific industrial requirements.
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