Control Systems

We offer advanced Recycling Control Systems to streamline and optimize recycling operations. Designed for efficiency and precision, our control systems automate processes, enhance material handling, and improve overall productivity. Whether managing complex recycling systems or integrating with existing equipment, BPS provides reliable and customizable solutions tailored to your needs.

Automated Efficiency – Streamlines recycling operations seamlessly.
Precision Control – Enhances material handling accuracy.
Customizable Integration – Tailored to specific operational needs.
Reliable Performance – Ensures consistent system functionality.
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Responsive Table Layout
Model Replace Model H.P. Max Force (lbs) Drawg. Ref. Dimensions Full Load Amps At 230V / 460V W.T. (lbs)
SEE-0.1-2 BES-30-2 1/50 30 2 3-11/32" 3-7/16" 5-5/16" 1-47/64" 3-35/64" 2-3/8" 4-7/32" NA 1-37/64" 23/32" 3/32" 1-25/32" 11/32" 0.39 6
SEE-0.5-2 BES-110-2 1/25 110 7 4-19/64" 6-5/8" 8" 1-9/16" 4-11/16" 2-3/4" 5-21/32" NA 1-37/64" 1-9/32" 29/64" 2-29/64" 7/16" 0.53 14
SEE-1-2 BES-220-2 1/12 220 1 4-5/32" 6-5/16" 8-15/32" 3-5/32" 5-1/8" 4-11/32" 6-5/16" 1-19/32" 1-37/64" 1-15/32" 13/32" 2-5/8" 15/32" 1.2 22
SEE-2-2 BES-440-2 1/6 440 2 4-11/32" 6-29/32" 9-15/32" 3-35/64" 5-29/32" 4-23/32" 7-3/32" 1-25/32" 1-37/64" 1-19/32" 15/32" 2-13/16" 9/16" 1.9 30
SEE-3.5-2 BES-770-2 1/3 770 3.5 4-15/16" 7-11/16" 11-13/16" 4-21/64" 7-31/64" 5-29/32" 9-1/16" 2-3/16" 2-3/8" 2-31/32" 19/32" 3-5/16" 23/32" 2.9 45
Responsive Table Layout
Model Replace Model H.P. Max Force (lbs) Drawg. Ref. Dimensions Full Load Amps At 230V / 460V W.T. (lbs)
KEE-0.5-2 BE-110-2 1/20 110 1 4-19/64" 5-55/64" 8" 1-9/16" 4-11/16" 2-3/4" 5-21/32" NA 1-37/64" 1-9/32" 29/64" 2-29/64" 7/16" 0.33 (0.15) 10
KEE-1-2 BE-220-2 1/10 220 1 4-19/64" 5-55/64" 8" 1-9/16" 4-11/16" 2-3/4" 5-21/32" NA 1-9/32" 1-9/32" 29/64" 2-29/64" 7/16" 0.41 (0.25) 15
KEE-2-2 BE-440-2 1/5 440 1 4-19/64" 5-55/64" 9" 1-9/16" 4-11/16" 2-3/4" 5-21/32" 1-9/32" 1-31/32" 1-15/32" 25/64" 2-29/64" 7/16" 0.62 (0.35) 20
KEE-3.5-2 BE-770-2 1/3 770 2 4-11/32" 6-29/32" 10-7/16" 3-35/64" 5-29/32" 4-23/32" 7-3/32" 1-25/32" 2-11/64" 1-19/32" 15/32" 2-15/16" 9/16" 1.1 (0.60) 35
KEE-6-2 BE-1320-2 1/2 1,250 2 4-11/32" 6-29/32" 10-7/16" 3-35/64" 5-29/32" 4-23/32" 7-3/32" 1-25/32" 2-11/64" 1-19/32" 15/32" 2-15/16" 9/16" 1.6 (0.90) 55
KEE-10-2 BE-2200-2 1 2,250 3 6-11/16" 8-9/32" 13-25/32" 4-23/32" 8-21/32" 6-11/16" 10-5/8" 2-9/16" 1-31/32" 1-3/8" 23/32" 3-5/8" 13/16" 2.7 (1.4) 78
KEE-16-2 BE-3520-2 1-1/2 3520 3 6-11/16" 10-1/4" 16-17/32" 5-33/64" 9-29/64" 7-7/8" 11-13/16" 2-31/32" 2-9/16" 2-3/4" 13/16" 5-1/16" 1-1/32" 4.0 (2.0) 110
KEE-23-2 BE-5060-2 2-1/4 5060 3 7-1/2" 11-1/32" 17-23/32" 5-29/32" 10-15/64" 8-9/32" 12-19/32" 3-5/32" 2-3/8" 2-3/4" 13/16" 5-19/32" 1-1/32" 5.6 (2.9) 140
KEE-30-2 BE-6600-2 3 6600 3 8-7/8" 12-19/32" 19-11/16" 6-11/16" 12-13/64" 9-7/16" 14-31/32" 3-3/4" 2-9/16" 3-11/32" 1-1/8" 6-7/32" 1-5/16" 7.0 (3.6) 210
KEE-40-2 BE-8800-2 4 8800 3 8-7/8" 14-19/32" 22-1/16" 8-21/32" 13-25/32" 11-13/16" 16-15/16" 4-11/32" 2-9/16" 3-15/16" 1-5/16" 7-9/32" 1-17/32" 9.8 (4.9) 290
Responsive Table Layout
Model Replace Model H.P. Max Force (lbs) Drawg. Ref. Dimensions Full Load Amps At 230V / 460V W.T. (lbs)
KEE-1.5-4 BE-330-4 1/10 330 1 4-19/64" 5-55/64" 10" 1-9/16" 4-11/16" 2-3/4" 5-21/32" 1-9/32" 2-9/16" 1-3/16" 25/64" 2-29/64" 7/16" 0.5 (0.33) 25
KEE-3-4 BE-660-4 1/6 660 4 6-1/8" 7-3/32" 10-5/8" 3-5/32" 5-29/32" 4-11/32" 7-3/32" 1-19/32" 2-11/64" 1-3/8" 13/32" 3-5/16" 15/32" 0.8 (0.52) 35
KEE-6-4 BE-1320-4 1/3 1320 4 6-11/16" 7-11/16" 12-19/32" 3-15/16" 6-19/64" 5-1/8" 7-1/2" 1-25/32" 2-61/64" 1-19/32" 15/32" 3-5/8" 9/16" 1.2 (0.70) 50
KEE-9-4 BE-1980-4 1/2 1980 4 7-1/2" 8-9/32" 13-3/8" 4-21/64" 7-3/32" 5-29/32" 8-21/32" 2-3/16" 2-61/64" 1-31/32" 19/32" 4-1/32" 23/32" 1.7 (0.99) 70
KEE-9-4S BE-1980-4S 1/2 1980 4 8-55/64" 9-29/64" 13-63/64" 5-33/64" 8-21/32" 7-31/64" 10-10/16" 2-9/16" 2-9/16" 2-3/8" 20/32" 4-23/32" 7/8" 1.7 (0.99) 94
KEE-12-4 BE-2640-4 4/5 2640 4 8-7/8" 9-15/32" 14-3/16" 5-33/64" 8-21/32" 7-1/2" 10-5/8" 2-9/16" 2-9/16" 2-3/8" 23/32" 4-23/32" 7/8" 2.5 (1.4) 95
KEE-17-4 BE-3740-4 1-1/10 3740 4 9-21/32" 10-1/4" 16-17/32" 5-33/64" 9-29/64" 7-7/8" 11-13/16" 2-31/32" 3-5/32" 2-3/4" 7/8" 5-1/8" 1-1/32" 3.0 (1.6) 125
KEE-24-4 BE-5280-4 1-1/2 5280 4 10-7/16" 11-1/32" 18-29/32" 5-29/32" 10-15/64" 8-9/32" 12-19/32" 3-5/32" 3-47/64" 2-3/4" 7/8" 5-19/32" 1-1/32" 3.8 (2.0) 165
KEE-34-4 BE-7480-4 2 7480 4 11-5/8" 12-19/32" 20-7/8" 6-11/16" 12-13/64" 9-15/32" 14-31/32" 3-3/4" 3-47/64" 3-11/32" 1-1/8" 6-7/32" 1-5/16" 5.0 (2.6) 245
KEE-52-4 BE-11440-4 3 11440 4 13-19/32" 14-3/8" 23-7/32" 8-21/32" 13-25/32" 11-13/16" 16-15/16" 4-11/32" 3-11/32" 3-15/16" 1-5/16" 7-9/32" 1-17/32" 7.7 (4.0) 375
KEE-75-4 BE-16500-4 5 16500 5 15-9/16" 16-11/32" 24-13/16" 4-59/64" 14-31/32" 13-1/32" 18-1/8" NA 3-15/16" 4-5/32" 1-5/64" 8-9/32" 1-17/32" 12.3 (6.2) 495
KEE-84-4 BE-18480-4 7-1/2 18480 5 15-9/16" 16-11/32" 26-3/8" 4-59/64" 14-31/32" 13-1/32" 18-1/8" NA 3-15/16" 4-5/32" 1-5/16" 8-9/32" 1-17/32" 18.2 (9.4) 565
KEE-110-4 BE-24200-4 10 24200 5 18-5/16" 18-23/32" 28-3/4" 5-33/64" 17-21/64" 14-9/16" 20-7/8" NA 4-23/32" 4-15/16" 1-1/2" 9-15/32" 1-25/32" 25 (13) 805
Responsive Table Layout
Model Replace Model H.P. Max Force (lbs) Drawg. Ref. Dimensions Full Load Amps At 230V / 460V W.T. (lbs)
KEE-3-6 BE-660-6 1/4 660 4 6-11/16" 7-11/16" 11-7/16" 3-15/16" 6-19/64" 5-1/8" 7-1/2" 1-25/32" 3-11/32" 1-9/32" 15/32" 3-5/8" 9/16" 1.1 (0.65) 49
KEE-5-6 BE-1100-6 1/2 1100 4 7-1/2" 8-9/32" 13" 4-21/64" 7-3/32" 5-29/32" 8-21/32" 2-3/16" 3-35/64" 1-31/32" 19/32" 4-1/32" 23/32" 1.9 (1.3) 71
KEE-9-6 BE-1980-6 4/5 1980 4 8-7/8" 9-15/32" 14-9/16" 5-33/64" 8-21/32" 7-1/2" 10-5/8" 2-9/16" 3-47/64" 2-3/8" 23/32" 4-23/32" 13/16" 2.7 (1.6) 104
KEE-13-6 BE-2860-6 1-1/10 2860 4 9-21/32" 10-1/4" 15-3/8" 5-33/64" 9-29/64" 7-7/8" 11-13/16" 2-31/32" 4-9/64" 2-3/4" 13/16" 5-1/8" 1-1/32" 3.7 (2.1) 139
KEE-18-6 BE-3960-6 1-1/2 3960 4 10-7/16" 11-1/32" 17-23/32" 5-29/32" 10-15/64" 8-9/32" 12-19/32" 3-5/32" 4-23/32" 2-3/4" 13/16" 5-19/32" 1-1/32" 4.8 (2.7) 185
KEE-24-6 BE-5280-6 2 5280 4 11-5/8" 12-19/32" 19-11/16" 6-11/16" 12-13/64" 9-15/32" 14-31/32" 3-3/4" 4-23/32" 3-11/32" 1-1/8" 6-7/32" 1-5/16" 6.1 (3.3) 265
KEE-34-6 BE-7480-6 3 7480 4 13-19/32" 14-3/8" 22-7/16" 8-21/32" 13-25/32" 11-13/16" 16-15/16" 4-11/32" 4-9/64" 3-15/16" 1-5/16" 7-9/32" 1-17/32" 7.9 (4.2) 364
KEE-45-6 BE-9900-6 4 9900 4 13-19/32" 14-3/8" 24-13/16" 8-21/32" 13-25/32" 11-13/16" 16-15/16" 4-11/32" 5-5/16" 3-15/16" 1-5/16" 7-9/32" 1-17/32" 10.8 (5.7) 448
KEE-60-6 BE-13200-6 5-1/3 13200 5 15-9/16" 16-11/32" 24-13/16" 4-59/64" 14-31/32" 13" 18-1/8" NA 5-5/16" 4-5/32" 1-5/16" 8-9/32" 1-17/32" 13.4 (7.4) 567
KEE-80-6 BE-17600-6 7-1/2 17600 5 15-9/16" 16-11/32" 28-47/64" 4-59/64" 14-31/32" 13" 18-1/8" NA 6-1/2" 4-5/32" 1-5/16" 8-9/32" 1-17/32" 18.5 (10) 662
KEE-110-6 BE-24200-6 10 24200 5 18-5/16" 18-23/32" 29-15/16" 5-33/64" 17-21/64" 14-9/16" 20-7/8" NA 6-1/2" 4-15/16" 1-1/2" 9-15/32" 1-25/32" 27 (15) 924
KEE-140-6 BE-30800-6 12 30800 6 20-9/32" 20-11/16" 34-21/32" 5-33/64" 18-29/32" 20-3/32" 22-7/16" NA 6-7/64" 4-15/16" 1-1/2" 10-7/16" 1-25/32" 31 (17) 1268
KEE-165-6 BE-36300-6 15 36300 6 20-9/32" 20-11/16" 36-39/64" 5-33/64" 18-29/32" 20-3/32" 22-7/16" NA 7-5/64" 4-15/16" 1-1/2" 10-7/16" 1-25/32" 37 (20) 1389
KEE-185-6 BE-40700-6 17-1/2 40700 6 22-1/16" 22-7/16" 36-7/32" 5-33/64" 20-15/32" 20-3/32" 24-1/32" NA 6-11/16" 4-15/16" 1-1/2" 11-7/16" 1-25/32" 44 (22) 1599
Responsive Table Layout
Model Replace Model H.P. Max Force (lbs) Drawg. Ref. Dimensions Full Load Amps W.T. (lbs)
KEE-5-8 BE-1100-8 1/2 1100 4 8-7/8" 9-15/32" 14-9/16" 5-33/64" 8-21/32" 7-1/2" 10-5/8" 2-9/16" 2-61/64" 2-3/8" 23/32" 4-23/32" 13/16" 2.4 (1.5) 100
KEE-7.3-8 BE-1606-8 4/5 1606 4 9-21/32" 10-1/4" 15-3/8" 5-33/64" 9-29/64" 7-7/8" 11-13/16" 2-31/32" 3-15/16" 2-3/4" 13/16" 5-1/8" 1-1/32" 3.3 (2.0) 130
KEE-10-8 BE-2200-8 1 2200 4 10-7/16" 11-1/32" 17-23/32" 5-29/32" 10-15/64" 8-9/32" 12-19/32" 3-5/32" 4-23/32" 2-3/4" 13/16" 5-19/32" 1-1/32" 4.9 (3.3) 175
KEE-20-8 BE-4400-8 2 4400 4 11-5/8" 12-19/32" 21-21/32" 6-11/16" 12-13/64" 9-15/32" 14-31/32" 3-3/4" 4-23/32" 3-11/32" 1-1/8" 6-7/32" 1-5/16" 7.5 (4.4) 300
KEE-35-8 BE-7710-8 3 7710 4 13-19/32" 14-3/8" 26-3/8" 8-21/32" 13-25/32" 11-13/16" 16-15/16" NA 4-9/64" 3-15/16" 1-5/16" 7-9/32" 1-17/32" 9.5 (5.5) 465
KEE-42-8 BE-9240-8 4 9240 4 13-19/32" 14-3/8" 28-3/4" 8-21/32" 13-25/32" 11-13/16" 16-15/16" NA 5-5/16" 3-15/16" 1-5/16" 7-9/32" 1-17/32" 9.5 (5.5) 486
KEE-60-8 BE-13200-8 5 13200 5 15-9/16" 16-11/32" 28-3/4" 4-59/64" 14-31/32" 13-7/8" 18-1/8" NA 5-5/16" 4-5/32" 1-5/16" 8-9/32" 1-17/32" 14.6 (8.6) 660
KEE-77-8 BE-16940-8 6 16940 5 15-9/16" 16-11/32" 32-3/4" 4-59/64" 14-31/32" 13-7/8" 18-1/8" NA 6-1/2" 4-5/32" 1-5/16" 8-9/32" 1-17/32" 15 (7.5) 803
KEE-100-8 BE-22000-8 8 22000 5 18-5/16" 18-23/32" 33-7/8" 5-33/64" 17-21/64" 14-9/16" 20-7/8" NA 8-17/64" 4-15/16" 1-1/2" 9-15/32" 1-25/32" 25 (15) 1070
KEE-125-8 BE-27500-8 10 27500 6 20-9/32" 20-11/16" 39-3/8" 5-33/64" 18-29/32" 20-3/32" 22-7/16" NA 8-59/64" 4-15/16" 1-1/2" 10-7/16" 1-25/32" 31 (18) 1420
KEE-150-8 BE-33000-8 12 33000 6 20-9/32" 20-11/16" 40-15/16" 5-33/64" 18-29/32" 20-3/32" 22-7/16" NA 8-17/64" 4-15/16" 1-1/2" 10-7/16" 1-25/32" 37 (22) 1560
KEE-185-8 BE-40700-8 15 40700 6 22-1/6" 22-7/16" 39-3/4" 5-33/64" 20-15/32" 20-3/32" 24-1/32" NA 8-21/32" 4-15/16" 1-1/2" 11-7/16" 1-25/32" 43 (26) 1800
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Control Systems

Best Process Solutions takes immense pride in our work planning, building, and executing control systems for both bulk processing and recycling systems – upholding the highest industry standards. Whether it is a system we have designed and implemented in full, or a client needs a controls panel for an existing system or machinery, we will work to ensure flawless integration and the highest level of quality. Our electric engineering and panel building department is UL/CUL certified, meaning all the control systems delivered by BPS will meet or exceed the safety standards. We also build to the national electric code and NFPA 79 Electrical Standard for Industrial Machinery to protect operators, equipment, and facilities.

No system can be successful if the control software is not properly designed and implemented. This is what separates Best Process Solutions from the rest. Our experience and expertise have been trusted by both Fortune 500 companies and the U.S. Department of Energy.

From start to finish, we will lead you through the controls building process and ensure your system is designed and built to your specifications and our standards. We will even commission the control system at your location to verify settings and accuracy.

Automated Efficiency – Streamlines recycling operations seamlessly.
Precision Control – Enhances material handling accuracy.
Customizable Integration – Tailored to specific operational needs.
Reliable Performance – Ensures consistent system functionality.
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What Are Control Systems?

Control Systems are automated solutions designed to manage and monitor recycling equipment and processes. They provide real-time data, control material flow, and optimize operations to ensure maximum efficiency. As part of advanced bulk processing equipment, these systems are equipped with features like programmable settings, remote monitoring, and integration with existing equipment, making them essential for modern recycling facilities.

Applications of Control Systems

BPS Control Systems are used across various industries, including waste management, material recovery, and manufacturing. Common applications include managing conveyor systems, sorting materials, and automating balers and compactors. These systems, as part of bulk processing equipment, ensure seamless operations by synchronizing equipment, reducing downtime, and increasing throughput.

Benefits of Using BPS Control Systems

BPS Control Systems offer numerous benefits, including improved operational efficiency, reduced energy consumption, and enhanced system reliability. By automating processes, these systems minimize manual intervention, lower operational costs, and improve safety. Their robust construction and customizable features make them a reliable component of bulk processing equipment, ensuring long-term performance in demanding recycling environments.

Custom Solutions for Control Systems

At BPS, we understand that each recycling operation has unique challenges. That’s why we offer customizable control systems designed to integrate seamlessly with your equipment. Our solutions include tailored software, hardware configurations, and advanced controls to address your specific needs, ensuring maximum efficiency, scalability, and compatibility with bulk processing equipment.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Control System?
A Control System is an automated solution that manages recycling equipment and processes, ensuring efficient material handling and reduced downtime.
Can Control Systems integrate with existing equipment?
Yes, BPS Control Systems are designed to integrate seamlessly with existing equipment, enhancing its functionality and efficiency.
What industries benefit from Control Systems?
Industries like waste management, material recovery, and manufacturing use Recycling Control Systems to streamline recycling operations and improve productivity.
Are these systems customizable?
Absolutely. We offer customizable Control Systems with tailored software, hardware, and controls to meet specific operational requirements.
Conveniently supply empowered infrastructures whereas client-centered sources. Synergistically exploit high-quality quality vectors for excellent scenarios. Uniquely reinvent intermandated imperatives with unique partnerships. Proactively engage client-focused.